So This Is Why Cats Like Crawling Into Boxes
You've probably realized that your cat will crawl into a box or bag whenever it possibly can, and while it's simply adorable, there's also a reason behind it. Just like us, your cat loves to get cozy, and a box is perfect for them to feel comfortable and secure. Hiding in small places is a behavior cats once learned in the wild, which is why it still comes naturally to them.
If you were a cat, you'd probably enjoy crawling into a box just as much as they do because there's no better place to nap than a dark and safe one.
The Real Purpose Behind Face Sniffing
Your cat might sniff your face when you're close to them, and for the most part, it's because they want to ensure that you're really you. Cats rely mainly on smells when it comes to recognition, and your face tends to smell the most like you. They also find comfort from the scent naturally given off by their owners, which means they'll go in for a relaxing whiff every once in a while.

Since your furry friend loves you, they love the smell of you. Sniffing your face is a way for them to get up close and personal with your natural scent.
Biscuit Kneading Is Done for Comfort - Here's Why
Cats are very famous for their kneading, and it's one of the most amazing things to watch as a cat owner. Believe it or not, the cute action has an even more adorable reason behind it. When cats are born, they naturally nurse from their mother and knead at the same time so that mom can produce the milk. This motion stays when they transition into adulthood, where kneading represents the epitome of comfort.
Whether you call it biscuit making, dough kneading, or anything in between, there's just no denying this action is one of the cuter quirks your cat exhibits before getting comfortable.
There's a Reason They Love Sleeping on Your Things
Cat naps are a real thing, but it certainly wouldn't be a cat nap if the cat wasn't sleeping on top of your computer. It's likely that you've once wondered why your furry friend can't resist falling asleep on your keyboard while you're working. The truth is, they're fully aware that you're busy and want to make sure they can still get your attention while simultaneously rubbing their scent on the things you own.
Let's face it, cats are very needy creatures and want to ensure they can get the most attention during your busiest times. Of course, you always give in.
Those Chirping Sounds Have Meaning
There are many theories about why your cat makes subtle chirping sounds when it spots a bird or any other animal outside your window. You might have noticed that your pet also chatters its teeth simultaneously. Both of these happen because your cat's natural instinct is to hunt, but it can't get to the prey. The sounds may result from frustration, but they could also be due to excitement.
Cats chirp when they're in the mood for hunting, and it sounds nothing like their purring. There's a specific goal in mind between the teeth chattering and the silly sounds.
How to Tell if Your Cat Is Nervous
Ear twitching is a typical cat behavior, and if you've never seen yours do it, that might be a good sign. Typically, cats tend to twitch their ears when they feel nervous or unsure about someone or something. In fact, the motion of a cat's ears, as well as its position, can actually determine precisely what's on its mind. For example, ears that are sticking up mean they are in a good and comfortable mood.
Body language can say a lot about how your cat is feeling and what it's thinking, so paying attention to its movements can help you figure out what is going on.
Nighttime Sounds Are Usually Past Memories
Kittens and cats are actually able to store memories in their brain, and sometimes they look back on them in the middle of the night. If your cat seems to be making strange sounds while you're sleeping, you might think they are thinking about something terrifying. Thankfully, there's no reason to worry. That's because they are likely just reminiscing about things like hunting or reimagining the fun day they had today.
If your cat sounds miserable, you might get frustrated at night while trying to sleep. But don't stress - they could be thinking about a handful of things, from hunting to running and jumping.
Why They Get the Zoomies
Zoomies are basically built into cats, and getting one means your house will soon become a running track. Since they enjoy sleeping in the daytime, the night is when you'll likely notice your cat turns into a little ball of energy. That's because cats are natural hunters, and they still exhibit some of that hunting energy while living in a home. And that's why playtime is always a must.

Most cats are full of energy, and since they don't have the option of zipping through forests in the wild, they just have to let it out around the house.
They Knock Things Down for Practice
Owning a cat means that any valuable items must stay far away from the edge of your counter, or else it's at risk for breaking. That's because your furry kid will knock it down whenever they have the chance. Depending on the object, it could be a bit annoying; for example, a glass full of water is fun for a cat to throw on the ground but horrendous for us to clean up. This action comes from their natural hunting nature, and they instinctively practice specific movements. But sometimes, it's just for attention.
Cats always seem to knock things down when you're on a conference call and can't see what they're up to. That might be due to primal instincts, but they also just want attention.
This Tells You It's Time for a Litter Change
There's really nothing worse than walking into your bedroom to find that your cat has left you a very stinky gift. But do not fear - your cat doesn't hate you; your pet is actually telling you that it's time for a litter change. If it tends to happen more than once, that might mean that your cat isn't feeling well and should probably be seen by a doctor to figure out what's happening.
Cats prefer to have a clean area when doing their business, so if they choose to use another room as a toilet, you know it's time for a litter change.
Chewing and Biting Might Be a Sign of Something Concerning
Unlike puppies, kittens don't need to teeth on things like bones. It's totally normal for cats to chew on their food, but constantly biting on objects that aren't edible can be a sign of distress that should be addressed with a veterinarian. It could be due to stress, or their everyday food might not be nutritious enough for them. So if you find your cat doing this, having a chat with its doctor is the best thing to do.
It's normal for puppies to use their mouths to explore, yet kittens don't really do it as much. Playing with their mouth is normal, but excess chewing could be a concern.
Showing Their Bum Is a Sign of Love
It's not a hard scenario to picture: you feel like cuddling, so you start petting your cat, but it decides to turn the other way. You might feel like your cat is simply ignoring you and wants to be left alone, and although that could be the case, they're more likely telling you something. If your cat shows you their bum, they're trying to let you know they feel confident and safe in your love.
It's natural to feel offended when your cat rejects you by showing you the backside, but it actually means something pretty sweet. So next time your cat does this, feel free to feel flattered.
Tail Swats Mean You Should Get Away
Unlike dogs, cats wag their tail for reasons that have nothing to do with happiness or excitement. In fact, it's the complete opposite and has a concerning meaning. Tail swatting means you should keep away and start giving your cat the space they need before the claws come out. Although cats are known for their sudden and unexpected attitudes, they'll certainly calm down in no time as long as you listen to what they're expressing.
If your cat is swatting their tail back and forth, the message is loud and clear: keep away, or you might just find yourself dealing with an angry kitty very soon.
The Reason Some Cats Get Crazy With Catnip
If you haven't yet, you should probably let your cat sniff a bit of catnip to see what happens. Of course, there's no need to worry because it's super safe. Your cat might feel extreme joy for a few seconds before the effect starts to wear off; chances are, they're really going to love it. A chemical inside the plant overstimulates their senses, which is why most cats go wild.
Whether or not your cat gets wild from catnip exclusively depends on a genetic factor, which means that some cats aren't actually affected by it, while others get strong reactions.
The Real Reason They Love Being a Bathroom Companion
Cats can't help but act as bathroom bodyguards, mainly because they feel like they're doing you the kindest of favors. They feel the need to protect their beloved humans while using the toilet because they see that as one of their weakest moments. If you find your cat doing this, but they're also meowing, that could be because they just really want your attention and aren't actually thinking much about your safety.
From sleeping in the sink to following you into the bathroom, your cat wants to protect you while you're at your most vulnerable, whether it's a violation of privacy or not.
Why They Cover Their Waste to Mask Their Scent
Cats are very clean animals in and out of the litter box, but what they do to stay clean results from primal traits. Cats had to hide their scents from predators in the wild, so they began covering their bathroom waste with dirt and sand to stay safe. Although house cats are domesticated, they still carry certain wild traits into our homes, and this one is kind of beneficial for us.
The reason why cats feel the need to bury their bathroom duties by digging in their litter box actually makes sense, as it's a cool trait that they still carry.
Grass Eating Could Mean Digestive Issues
Munching on grass might look cute, but it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. Cats only conduct this kind of behavior when their stomachs aren't feeling well. This is because grass has natural properties that could help your cat expel whatever is sitting inside of it. Grass eating should be directed towards your pet's doctor when they can figure out whether or not your cat is feeling okay.
If your cat goes outside and you notice that they're eating grass, we recommend that you call its veterinarian to make sure everything is okay with your pet's gut health.
Why They Stand on Their Two Back Legs
Standing on their back two legs isn't actually a very common thing; that's because doing it could mean that your cat is feeling threatened. The position is a popular one when it comes to movies and is usually associated with those big adorable eyes. In reality, this trait is ancestral from when they had to make themselves look bigger than the potential predator they were protecting themselves from in the wild.
This stance might be super cute, but it's possible that the reasoning behind it has to do with some kind of defense that originated from when they were wild animals.
Big Stretches Have an Even Bigger Purpose
Like us, cats tend to get changes in their blood pressure and can also experience poor bone and joint health. Stretching allows them to stay healthy and reduces the chance of them having any issues in the future. This action can also help them manage their blood pressure, where stretching promotes the circulation of blood to their vital organs. Combined with all of the health benefits, it also just feels good for them.
An even bigger yawn typically accompanies big stretches, but cats don't do it just because they feel sleepy. Those movements actually have an essential purpose for their health and well-being.
Why Your Cat Likes to Bring You Gifts
Every cat parent's worst nightmare is the day their feline decides to casually drop a rodent at their feet. From mice to cockroaches, cats are natural hunters and sometimes feel the need to deliver their most recent catches as a kind gift to their parents. Truthfully, they don't really care how you feel about it, and although it's gross, it's a gift of honor and a possible act of love.
Most cat owners who have just been delivered a mouse at their feet aren't exactly happy about it, but at least they know their cat had some good intentions.
Cats, Like Us, Tend to Stare at Walls
Walking into a room to find your cat with its head up against the wall might be a bit concerning, but we're here to let you know that there isn't anything to worry about. Similarly to people, cats often get bored and might even begin to mimic the actions of their owners. Staring at the wall when there's nothing to do is natural for people, and cats do it too.
Humans stare at walls out of boredom and frustration, and cats actually do the same. It's certainly a very odd behavior, but they could've learned it just by watching you.
They Really Are Picky When It Comes to Affection
Your cat has likely, at times, had absolutely zero interest in you when you were calling them, and that's certainly due to a particular personality trait. Cats are just so proud of themselves, and they're also highly independent, so that means they'll completely ignore you if they feel like it. Just be prepared to pet them as soon as it's demanded since you won't really have a choice at that point.

To quickly summarize, cats always do what they want when they want and will gladly walk right passed you with pride after calling their name for a solid ten minutes.
They Roll to Mark Their Territory
One of your cat's favorite activities is to roll around on any surface they can find. Although it seems like they're just having a bit of fun, they're actually doing it for a specific reason. Animals tend to rub their scent on things to mark their territory, but your cat is also showing you that it simply feels safe and relaxed. That's the meaning of an exposed belly, and it's all out of love.
There's nothing cuter than watching your cat roll around since they always seem happy while doing it. That's because they enjoy being able to mark their territory.
What Their Chill Time Really Means
Your cat probably likes to sit back and relax as if it's the king or queen of the house while its belly is on full display. Although they are certainly tired, exposing their stomach is actually a really good sign. It's one of their most vulnerable places, so lying like this means they feel comfortable and safe. The position also just happens to be way cuter than any other sleeping pose.
Cats, like us, enjoy sitting back and relaxing after a long and busy day, but whichever way they are laying happens to have a lot of hidden meaning behind it.
The Reason Behind Scraping and Scratching
Cats love to dig their nails into anything they can, but it's not only because they are looking to have a bit of fun by ruining your furniture. It's certainly something they tend to do when excited, but cats also need to shed the top layers of their nails every once in a while. Combined with the maintenance, nail scratching also allows them to spread their scent and mark their territory. Scratching has a very important purpose, just like grooming.
Your brand-new comfy couch could be at risk if you don't have a scratching post for your cat, which is why we recommend getting one for your furry friend at some point.
Those Leg and Arm Attacks Are Actually Playful
It's momentarily hard to like your cat when they randomly attack your legs and feet, but believe it or not, it's usually not a form of aggression. Of course, it depends on the cat, but they're generally just mimicking their natural hunting skills if they're feeling bored - but don't worry, it's not because they want to hunt you. Your legs are just low to the ground, so it's an easy target to get out their instincts, exert energy, and play with you.
For most kittens and young cats, this behavior doesn't mean much and is simply an act of playfulness.
Do Not Disturb - Napping Releases Necessary Hormones and Helps Your Kitten Grow
Kittens tend to sleep so much during the day, but this isn't only because they're extremely tired. Your cat might have had a long day of playing, but these naps actually have a purpose. They're essential to healthy development because when napping, their bodies produce the hormones that are needed for growth. Also, if kittens weren't cute enough, there's nothing more adorable than watching them fall into a deep sleep.
Just like growing kids, naps are really beneficial to the health of your kitten and will allow them to grow up as big and strong as they're supposed to be.
The Real Reason Behind Your Cat's Loud Meows
Cats are the masters of meowing, and that means they're going to start using their voices to demand that it's time for you to give them what they'd like. You might notice that your cat is doing this right around mealtime because they're really good at memorizing routines. Loud and persistent meows could also mean that they're asking for a litter change, a drink of water, or would like to spend some time outside.
If your cat is meowing loud and proud, it might be telling you it's time for dinner. If the meowing happens continuously with no end in sight, it's definitely time to figure out why.
Purring Is a Form of Communication
Rubbing your cat's head is guaranteed to make them purr like crazy, and it's such a great and highly relaxing thing for us to listen to. Purring while they're getting attention means nothing but great things, but cats tend to do it if they are in pain or even potentially very stressed. It's because the sound they are making is actually super relaxing for them, which is why they also do it in situations that aren't always very positive.
One of the most satisfying things to listen to as a cat owner is their machinery-grade purrs, and although they're super cute, a purring cat can mean a lot of things.
Their Bodies Create the Perfect Landing
Cats are truly experts at both jumping and landing, and that's all due to their specifically built bodies. Due to their bone structure, they're able to move and stretch in ways that no other animal can. More specifically, an extra vertebra in their spine allows them to always land on their feet. The average cat also doesn't weigh a lot which adds to why they're able to jump around swiftly.
No matter where they jump from or how they do it, cats are masters of stability and will land on all four of their legs without putting in much effort.
Biting Comes With a Whole Lot of Attitude
Sometimes, cats enjoy being emotional monsters which means if you have one- you've probably been at the receiving end of a bite or two. Of course, they'll come searching for love about five seconds after their moment of anger. Usually, biting means precisely what you think it does- they're feeling a bit stressed, so they choose to react defensively, regardless of the fact that you were reaching towards them with good intentions.
How you usually feel about your cat suddenly means almost nothing when their teeth are millimeters deep into your hand, and they have no plans of letting go anytime soon.
Midnight Hunting Mode Explained
There is nothing more sneaky than a cat, and they love to show off their ninja skills when their humans are trying to get some sleep. Cats aren't nocturnal animals, but they do tend to be much more active in the middle of the night. This is because that is their natural hunting hours since they love to sleep when the sun is out. Give your cat a couple of toys, and it will have no problem keeping busy.
Cats were once master hunters in the wild, and those primal traits have made their way into our homes, and more specifically, this usually happens in the middle of the night.
How to Know You're Pampering Your Pet
Besides the purring, it might be hard to figure out whether or not your cat is enjoying its back rub. In case you have any doubts, we're going to tell you what to look out for. If your cat seems to be arching its back during its massage, it's not because it wants to stretch. A backbend means your cat thoroughly enjoys the attention it's getting and that you're doing everything right.
Dogs often shake their leg when you're hitting the right spot, but cats like to enjoy it by simply stretching their back and purring as loud as they possibly can.
Cats Bite Their Nails Just Like We Do
Nail biting is certainly a bad human habit, but we're not the only ones who do it. Cats also bite their nails for a variety of reasons, and we're going to tell you why. If you catch your cat nibbling on the tips of their toes, they're simply doing it because they're bored. It might also just be a part of their grooming routine, but too much biting could indicate an underlying health issue.
Cats bite their nails when they have nothing else to do, but since they're clean animals, it could be because they are trying to get litter out from between their toes.
Not All Cats Are Afraid of Water
It's a common belief that cats hate water, but that's not actually true. There are some that really love it and will do anything they can to be able to play with the tap. They might not necessarily go in for a swim, but that doesn't mean water isn't fun. Of course, some cats absolutely despise it and will stay as far away as they can from anything that's liquid.
Curiosity is definitely a part of a cat's nature since they love discovering new things. If you have a cat that loves water, that curiosity might make them very, very wet.
Head Rubs Are for Saying Hello
If your cat is rubbing its head against you, then you might be glad to know that they're doing it out of pure love. After a long day at work, they'll be excited when you walk in, and to celebrate that, they might go in for a headbutt. It simply means they're really happy to see you and feel super comfortable in your presence as they spread their scent and mark their territory.
There's nothing better than when you walk in, and your cat greets you by rubbing its head against your legs. It's basically equivalent to a dog wagging its tail.
Hissing Is a Sign of Defense
Hissing is a very typical cat behavior, and it's usually done when they need to defend themselves. It could be happening if they are unsure about the person approaching it or because the cat feels that whoever it's facing is a threat. Hissing usually means that they are prepared to act swiftly to protect themselves, which is why it's essential to walk away from the situation before potentially getting hurt.
If a cat has ever hissed at you, chances are you chose to step away and give them space. That's probably the best thing to do in that kind of situation.
Cat Cuddles Represent Pure Love and Trust
There's nothing better than crawling into bed at the end of the day as your cat joins you for a snooze under the blankets. Cuddling isn't exactly a strong point for cats since they enjoy having space, but if they are doing it, that can mean a lot. They're likely enjoying the warmth of your body and figured that this would be the best place to sleep for the night, and you could surely agree.
Cats are one of the most independent animals, which means they enjoy spending time on their own, but if yours comes in for a cuddle- then you know it really loves you.
Soft Meows Mean Your Cat Wants Affection
There are many types of meows; some are low and deep, while others are high pitches, and how they sound depends on how and what a cat feels. It's pretty easy to differentiate an angry one from a happy one, but did you know that soft meows are basically a request for love? If your cat is meowing like this, it means they're asking for their favorite head rub, but a massage of any kind would work.
There's nothing more adorable than walking into the room your cat is sleeping in, and it makes those cute little meows which means they're happy to see you and would love a cuddle.
Why Curling up Into a Ball Is a Really Good Sign
There's nothing warmer than crawling up into a ball on a cold winter's day, and just like us, cats love to get comfy when they're feeling tired. Laying in this way is one of their favorite positions and means they'll quickly fall into a deep sleep very soon. In the wild, it was actually a way they would protect themselves since sleeping is when they were most vulnerable to dangerous predators that could cause them harm.
This position is a sign of comfort, and although cats initially did it in the wild in order to protect their vital organs, your cat has nothing to worry about at home.