1. How’s Life Behind Bars?

It will always be good to finally be back in the arms of your family. And aside from the headaches they give you, you probably missed the laughs you share with them too. We have no idea if she was actually in prison or what she may have gone there for. Either way, the totality of the signs will surely catch her attention. What better way is there to tell someone how happy you are to have them back then to write a funny welcome home airport sign like this?
2. Sugar Sugar, Oh Honey Honey

They probably already get judged a lot of times when they’re together and got so used to it that they decided to just turn it into a joke! Thus the creation of this funny airport sign. We gotta love pairs who love each other not because of their looks but because of what they can clearly offer in the relationship - such as being mature enough to make a joke out of what people think and being proud enough to display it on an airport greeting sign.
3. I Accept You No Matter What

Well, this is really a touchy subject but we know that when you are really close with the recipient, this sign is all good. Parents are so lucky to have such understanding and supportive kids! It’s never too late to do what makes you happy. Such as receiving a sign like this from your child - regardless of the message being true or not. Who knows if they were making a joke out of a true situation of just making a very politically incorrect attempt at a funny airport sign.
4. Embarrasing

Airports - especially international airports - can be very crowded, resulting in difficulties finding the person you were meant to pick up. This group was very lucky to have clever mates who made sure to make a big sign with their most hilarious photos. Who wouldn’t rush to them? Even if only to make them hide the funny welcome home airport sign. Keep this in mind next time you can’t think of a unique airport greeting idea.
5. ‘Welcome Home, Mokie’

This is another way to easily spot the person you were supposed to pick up at the airport. With your hilarious face printed out and your embarrassing family nickname on a banner, you would definitely run to them and take those down! We surely hope that Mokie didn’t meet a potential love interest during their flight so he could still save face. Or would she really be a good choice of a partner without appreciating the kind of humor that his family shows with this funny airport sign?
6. I Still Love You Either Way

This man is probably one of the most committed men we have heard of out there. He is willing to accept the baby even though he knows it isn't his because he loves Anna too much. Aw! But we are pretty sure that this man is off to meet his wife and just wanted to take the chance of embarrassing her at the airport by flaunting this massive and funny airport greeting sign. He does look like he’s ready to make dad jokes though.
7. All About The Ladies

I guess this is how some guys get the girls then - straight to the point and no more going around the bush. We wonder if this man was really waiting for his Italian girlfriend or if he was trying to pick girls up like what Barney from How I Met Your Mother does. The first option would make this a funny airport sign and the second would make him slightly creepy.
8. It Was Supposed To Be A Secret!

Everyone loves potty jokes, and Sarah just happened to have someone in her life who would gladly take the opportunity to use one. Or maybe Sarah did need an Imodium but she was just so lucky to have someone who would love to embarrass – we mean pick her up! Sarah is probably not even surprised with funny airport signs like this anymore. She is more than used to this kind of humor.
9. Please Adopt Us

With kids all grown up, parents usually go on long vacations as a way to enjoy their retirement. However, it looks like these “kids” took the chance of pretending to be orphans at the airport instead. Well, parents do love seeing their kids as babies still. Only one of the children seems to be putting on a sad face. The other two can’t stop laughing at the joke that is written on their funny welcome home airport sign for their parents.
10. Nice To Meet You, Where U Been?

This soldier-dad was probably gone most of the pregnancy and sadly missed the birth of his beautiful angel. But fret not, it certainly looks like this baby was aware of their dad coming home and is excited to meet him for the first time! Glad they have captured the baby’s happy expression! This is more of a heartwarming and slightly sad airport greeting sign, but the look on the baby’s face makes it sort of funny and happy as well.
11. Proud Of You

We are seriously hoping that this was just a prank to have some laughs with the recipient of the sign. If not, well what a great way of showing support towards their loved one who just came out of rehab. And what a way to show love ensuring that they are not afraid of their past. This really shouldn’t be something to make fun of though, it is a really proud moment…although this woman seems to think it made for a funny airport greeting idea…unless it wasn’t a joke.
12. So Cheesy

Airport signs did start out as sign boards with sweet messages to their loved ones! And this right here probably decided to go old school. Who wouldn’t be excited to go home to a sign with this cute message to make you feel extra loved? This sign is cute and funny at the same time. What a thoughtful and cute idea for an airport greeting sign!
13. Mom’s A Lot Of Work

Having the head of the household gone for his service, it is natural for the next best thing to take over. And in this case, it was this baby. After reading the sign, we are not so sure anymore if the baby was really excited to see their dad because they missed him, or if the baby was happy that someone else can take care of their mom now. Either way, the mother made a very cute and funny airport greeting sign that wouldn’t be easily forgotten.
14. Phoebe?

People who have watched and finished Friends will get the reference on the sign this man is holding up. The woman he was about to pick up probably informed him in advance that she had decided to change her name after the unforgettable Phoebe. We wonder if he changed his to “Crap Bag” too. These are some devoted Friends fans here…they are so devoted that they made their funny airport sign based entirely around it!
15. Disappointed But Not Surprised

Don’t you just love it when your boyfriend picks you up at the airport and shows how excited he is to be reunited with you? Well, we are not quite sure if that is the case here. But it does look like it is a joke since the girl found the sign funny…or is pretending to think that this is a funny welcome home airport sign when she is really crying inside.
Why be boring and ordinary? Next time you have to pick someone up at the airport, get a little creative with it and make a funny airport greeting sign like one of these. In case you can’t think of anything humorous save this article for airport greeting ideas. And don’t forget to share it with your friends too! Start a trend of funny airport greeting signs.