He Is Reporting About His Bird's Eye View of The Game
"What did you think of the game Mr. Crow?" "Well, I had an overhead view, so I was able to see all the plays, and the team had a great game today." This bird had some exciting insights about the game.

The reporter is very interested in what the bird has to report. He must be very important to have been interviewed. We wonder what people thought when they turned on the television to see this.
Karen In Baby Form
The Karens of the world are getting younger and younger. Here, Chris Hemsworth is carrying his daughter, who appears to have aged quickly into the kind of toddler that would ask to speak to the manager.

We hope this is just a phase, and she grows out of being like a Karen. The world has enough of them, and we don't need one that has famous parents.
"Yo, Look At My Ice Cream"
When the cafeteria finally fixes the soft serve machine that has been broken for three years, you can't wait to show your friends the ice cream you got. How could someone not be excited about eating ice cream?

It might take you a few seconds to realize that this is not ice cream, but the person behind him is wearing a white beanie. It's ok; it took us a while to realize it wasn't ice cream.
The More Arms You Have, The Better You Are At Sports
This soccer player has not two but four arms, it seems. While that may be useful in other sports like swimming, it is not helpful for a game played with your feet. At least he can comfort himself when he misses a goal.

Ok, so maybe someone is standing behind him, but how cool would it be if he had four arms. He can cover his eyes and pat his head at the same time.
Is That Jesus?
"If I could walk on water, if I could tell you what's next, I'd make you believe, I'd make you forget." - Matt Nathanson, "Come On Get Higher."This boy is magical because he can walk on water, and only one other person has been known to do that.

He must be a descendant of Jesus because that is the only reasonable explanation for his ability to defy the laws of physics.
The Dog From Harry Potter Had Puppies
Remember Fluffy, the three-headed dog from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone? Well, it seems that the dog had puppies, but instead of three heads, this one has two.

This dog is extremely rare and should be protected at all costs. In the wizarding world, these are hard to come by and protect important treasures at Hogwarts.
Tiny Body, Big Head...Filled With News
Her head must be so large because it is filled with so much news and information. Also, it is a mystery how she can hold up her head with such a small body. She must fall over because of the weight of her head.

Between the color-blocked shirt and the forced perspective, this photo will have you scratching your own head, trying to figure out why she looks so disproportional.
The Trash Took Itself Out
People need to be more responsible. You can't just go around throwing away your anti-matter in any old recycling bin. You have to recycle that stuff. This person should get fined for not using the correct trash bins.

If this is not anti-matter, then Harry Potter is getting lazy about taking out the trash, and he is risking exposing the wizarding world so he won't have to do his chores.
Minecraft In Real Life
This 3-D looking blanket would be very confusing to come home to after a night of drinking. You might think that you are about to fall into the squares when you lie down.

Whoever made this must have had Minecraft in mind, or they just wanted to mess with people's brains. It is almost impossible to see this in 2-D.
Dog-Woman or Woman-Dog?
When you just want to take a cute selfie with your dog, but you end up looking like a Wookie from Star Wars. She must have been very surprised to see how this photo turned out.

This could turn into a new Snapchat filter where half your face turns into a dog. That would be funny and more realistic than the current dog filter.
That's a Fancy Birdbath
We have seen some pretty intricately designed birdbaths, but never anything quite like this. These people have gone over the top, and it appears they created a mansion for the birds to live in.

While this picture is only a trick to the eyes, and the mansion is behind the birdbath, it is hard to unsee. We would like to see what the rest of this beautiful house looks like.
Double The Heads, Double The Fun
Conjoined twins are a rare occurrence, and these two are not one of those rare occurrences. While they are not conjoined, we have to wonder whose head belongs to the body in front.

This picture is like one of those brain game pictures. Once you realize what is happening, you can't unsee it. Until then, your mind will be puzzled.
That Seems Painful
We do not have a great deal of knowledge about cats, but we can certainly say that a cat's head should probably be attached to their body. This cat's head ran away from the body to hide on top of the cat tree.

Maybe this cat tree has a magical portal, so when he puts his head through, it appears at the top while his body remains on the bottom. It is a phenomenon that we may never understand.
Are You All Wearing Sunscreen?
If you are bald, do you only hang out with other bald men? This guy appears to have formed a club for bald men so they can drive around with the breeze on their scalps.

Although there is only one man in this photo, it would be even more hilarious if he put sunglasses on all the headrests to make them look even more believable.
One Leg? No Problem
Many incredible athletes have competed in track races without two legs because there are prosthetics. However, this girl's leg seems to have disappeared.

We have racked our brains trying to understand this photo and where her leg went, but we cannot figure it out. The longer we look, the more confusing it is.
Centaurs Deserve Love Just As Much As Humans
So what is she - half-woman, half-horse? Does that mean she deserves any less happiness than a regular human? This man fell in love with her for her personality, not her horse-ness.

We need to be more open to the marriage of magical creatures and humans. We hope they have a happy life with adorable baby centaurs.
"Hey, Could You Hold This Sign For Me?"
"Reporting live from the corner of Woodrow and 20th street. I know this because we have been carrying the sign around all day." We are pretty sure it is a crime to steal street signs.

The cameraman looks like he is not only holding the microphone, but also the street sign. He should get a pay raise for doing so much while the reporter just stands there.
I Mustache You A Question
Giselle decided to try out a new look for her ad campaign. She is seeing how people react to models with mustaches, and this billboard is for a focus group.

Although Gisele could pull off pretty much any look, we think she should leave the styled mustaches to the hipsters. It doesn't exactly fit her face well.
She Must Have The Power Of Levitation
This woman is extremely lucky that she was given the power to levitate. Maybe she also has the ability to fly, which would be awesome.

This is what happens when your skin is as pale as the sand, so your legs blend right in. The upside to that is looking like you are floating off the ground.
A Sign From The Universe
This girl was sitting at lunch when the universe sent to a powerful sign. They look like they would make a charming couple, and they already have a favorite eatery in common.

Don't you want to know if one of them made the first move? That would be such a cute story to tell their children one day.
Shh...Don't Wake The Kitty
When you look inside of a basket and thin, "hmm, I don't remember putting flour in there." This cat curled up in this strange spot, and it looks like he has melted into the bottom of this basket.

It seems that cats can transform into a liquid state. They seemingly melt and change to fit whatever shape they need in order to sit and sleep in strange places.
Spiderman Is Always Watching
Just when you think you are alone, Spiderman reminds you that he is always watching you wherever you go. You could be shopping at a thrift store, and he will find you to make sure you are not in danger... or creating it.

Spiderman is a very important superhero, so the fact that he took the time out of his day to show up at the thrift store was very kind. He wanted to check to see everything was calm in the world of second-hand fashion.
So Mad, He Lost His Head
Have you ever seen one of your professors or teachers get so incredibly mad that they have to take a moment to breathe before they lose control? This teacher was past the point of controlling his anger, and his head exploded like in a cartoon.

Now he is known as the headless teacher who has no patience for students fooling around. Everyone is afraid of him because they have heard the story of how he became the headless teacher.
What A Cow-Incidence
This cat has big goals in life to become a cow, so any chance she gets, she tries to disguise herself. No one wants to crush her dreams of being one, so they keep this photo of a cow on the computer for her.

We hope this cat's dreams aren't crushed when she realizes that she can never be a cow because that would be udderly ridiculous.
Excuse Me, Cover Up Please
We wonder if this girl knows her friends are taking photos behind her while she is changing. They should have told her to cover up before they pulled out the camera.

We would be extremely embarrassed if we found out that a friend posted a picture of our butt on the internet. What kind of friend does that?
"Please Try Not To Fly Near Me"
"I have told the airlines a million times. If you want to continue flying, do not come anywhere near me." After having planes fly close to this statue, it got fed up and grabbed one of them.

After people hear about the statue holding onto planes, no one will bother it again. Now planes have to figure out new flight routes.
Giant Pigeons Have Arrived, And We Should All Be Worried
Here we have more scary birds, and we are not prepared for a giant pigeon takeover. The world was barely ready for a pandemic, and this would destroy the world. It's like having giant flying rats; no one wants that.

Imagine waking up and seeing giant pigeons outside of your window? "Uh, Hi, Linda. Yeah, I'm not coming into the office today due to unforeseen circumstances."
He Likes To Keep Things Classy
This adorable cat wanted to class-up his look, so he decided that a handle-bar mustache would be the perfect addition to his fancy attire.

Now he can enjoy his Fancy Feast food while feeling classy enough to eat it. That is a catstache we can support.
A Glitch in the Matrix
This person figured out a way to walk through the matrix, but what are they looking for? He must be leading the fight against the people who created his entire reality for him.

While this may just be a man walking through a field, one has to wonder if they purposely planted everything to look like a giant matrix from above.
Spot The Missing Body Part
There are three men, but only two sets of legs. Can you help us figure out how the middle man is standing? He appears to be a floating torse that happens to love soccer. The only problem is that soccer requires feet.

How does one stand without legs? It is a mystery we may never solve, but maybe someone else will be able to solve the case of the missing limbs.
Smile For The Camera
We don't know about you, but birds are already terrifying without the added teeth. If birds had teeth like humans, we would be in grave danger. No one wants to have to fear that their bird could eat them.

Although it is just a girl who is smiling behind her bird, she created a picture that will haunt our nightmares for years to come.
2 Dogs In 1
It might take you a second, but there are two dogs disguised as one because they want to get extra treats. The french bulldog probably wanted to smell his brother's breath because they just ate chicken.

At first, you might have thought that the big dog had very saggy skin until you were able to see the small dog sitting in front of him.
Is That A New Species Of Giant Camels?
The giraffes now have some new friends to hang out with while they eat meals from the tall branches. These giant camels must be extremely tall to see over all the trees.

Their diets must have changed to help them grow so much taller than they used to be. Hopefully, they are as gentle as regular-sized camels, or we will have some problems.
The Case Of The Invisible Building
We have heard about mirrored houses that look invisible, but we have never seen an actual invisible house. It would have been smart of them also to disguise the windows because those are a dead giveaway.

What you are really looking at is a reflection of a reflection. Its like reflection inception. Try saying that five times fast. This picture will make your brain hurt if you stare for too long.
He Might Have Trouble Carrying The Giant Book
Tha little boy is going to struggle to carry a book that is almost the size of him. Unless it is one of those magical floating books from the library at Hogwarts, that would make much more sense.

Maybe he is looking up a spell on how to grow stronger and taller so he can actually lift books that large. We don't know who made these giant books, but they definitely did not think about how people would carry them.
That's One Really Long Neck
Everyone knows that giraffes have very long necks, but we have never seen one this long. His neck is probably seven-feet long, which must be challenging to maneuver.

If there were a contest for the longest neck, this giraffe would definitely be the winner. At least he can reach the highest branches where the other giraffes can't get to.
The Dog Is Imprinted Into The Table
When your dog gets way too excited about the food on the table, so they try to jump, but end up hitting their face on the side of the table. This dog must have been running very fast to have his face imprinted on the wood.

It is funny how certain patterns or formations can create images in our minds. To someone else, this might not look like a dog or even an object.
When You See It...
Either we have very inappropriate brains, or this horse has a naked woman on his face. He probably gets a lot of strange looks from the humans that come to visit the ranch.

However, he is very popular amongst the other male horses who get to stare at his face all day. For a while, the trainers didn't realize why he was so popular.
Shoot For The Moon, Or Dunk It
As the saying goes, "Shoot for the moon, and if you miss, you will land amount the stars." These boys took that saying to the next level and dunked the moon so that they could land back on the court for more games of basketball.

This photo was captured at just the right moment, but the real question is, where is the ball that they were playing with when this picture was taken?
Helping Nature
Have you ever had the desire to help the environment? This person was passionate about saving the planet, so he took a giant bottle of water to create a waterfall.

It was a really kind gesture, and he is saving the planet and adding to the freshwater supply. We just hope he recycled that bottle when it was empty.