Airplanes Are Full Of Interesting People
Can you imagine waking up from a nap, looking over, and thinking this person has been staring at you for the entire flight? It is a creepy sight until you realize that the person is not looking at you.

Who wears their sunglasses like that, especially on a plane? The flight attendant probably had to ask him to remove his glasses because he was scaring the other passengers. Either way, he has made himself into a pretty funny flight meme.
Finding A Loophole In The TSA Rules
Airport security is no laughing matter, despite how funny airport security memes can be. We need to know if the woman made it through with the bottle of frozen water. It isn't in liquid form, so technically, she wasn't breaking any rules.
Some airports will probably let this pass, and other places will argue with you for the sake of arguing. It depends on the person you are dealing with most likely.
When You Are Afraid Of The TSA Agents For No Reason
For some reason, TSA agents instill fear in people for no reason. You can have nothing to hide, and then you get to airport security, and you start making up scenarios that make no sense. Air travel can be scary, especially when it comes to aggressive TSA agents.
It is the same feeling when you leave a store and suddenly have this fear that you stole something accidentally.
The Airport Is Like Another Planet
The airport is one of the only places that it is acceptable to have a drink at any time of the day and pay triple for a single food item. As this meme shows, it is like societal rules and time are forgotten once you get through airport security.
You can pretty much do whatever you want as long as you aren't carrying weapons, going in restricted areas, or trying to take liquids through security.
"We Must Get Off The Plane First!"
Some people don't realize that the plane still needs to attach to the gate before anyone can get off. The doors aren't open, so where do people think they are going? This funny airport meme perfectly portrays what most people think as they see everyone rushing to stand up as soon as the plane lands.

It is even worse when the people who stand in the aisle wait till the line starts moving to grab their things from the overhead bin. You were standing for five minutes, why didn't you grab your items then?
The Pure Joy Of Having Your Own Row
When you are flying and have a row to yourself, it is like winning the lottery. You can put the armrests up and sprawl out across the entire row. This cute little seal in this flight meme perfectly exemplifies that feeling of utter and complete bliss when you realize you will be alone in the row.

Who needs business class when you have three seats to yourself for the price of one. To top it off, you don't have to worry about bothering anyone when you want to go to the bathroom.
That Doesn't Seem Safe
Some people believe that duct tape fixes everything. That is probably not the case when it comes to airplanes. You cannot expect a piece of tape to hold together parts of this giant engine.
If you saw this as you were waiting to take off, wouldn't you try to get off the plane immediately? This flight meme should be hidden from any scared airplane passengers. No one needs to see this before taking off.
The Joys Of Baggage Claim
Besides security, baggage claim is one of the most annoying parts of traveling. There is always that small fear that your baggage won't show up. Also, you have to deal with the most annoying people while waiting for your bags.
People are ruthless when it comes to baggage claim. They think that their bags will come faster if they stand closer to the conveyor belt. Then, when their bags come, they aren't afraid to hit you with their luggage while collecting it.
Airplane-Sized People
When airlines are deciding on seat spacing, they clearly aren't thinking about an average person's leg length. Even people with shorter legs have trouble getting comfortable because the rows are so close together.
Airlines don't consider space because they want to sell more tickets. Recently, airlines are giving passengers less space, and it is ridiculous. As this airport meme suggests, maybe they are hoping that one day humans will just evolve to have shorter legs to fit in their planes.
"Must. Share. Location!!!"
We all have that one Facebook friend that feels the need to post whenever they go to an airport. Sorry, Karen, no one cares that you are flying to Florida for the third time this year. Just as the man shows in this flight meme, however, it seems like most people prefer to stay glued to their devices and share their every move with their friends.

Imagine telling your friends you went on a vacation with no Facebook posts to back up your story? That is a wild concept for some people.
That's A Long Time To Wait For Luggage
We have heard of lost or delayed bags, but we have never heard of someone waiting over a year at baggage claim! They should file a report with the airline.

Ok, so maybe the sign is indicating that they were reunited after his deployment, but with some airlines, it wouldn't be shocking if they lost your bags for that long. Considering the irony in this photo, this is actually perhaps one of the funniest airport memes on the list. Everyone knows that they are referring to reunification after deployment, but frustrated people waiting for their baggage might see it differently.
Serious Over-Packing Syndrome
Every person has done this before. While you are picking out clothes for your trip, you think you will need the pair of pants you haven't worn since you bought them two years ago.

Then you contemplate taking them out of your bag, but the fear of needing them is more significant than wanting to conserve space.
"Bye Everyone!"
You might be 40,000 feet away from everyone that has been bothering you, but you are also on a plane filled with strangers who could bother you too.
For a moment, you forget about all the annoying people in your life, and then you are brought back to reality by someone kicking your seat, which is something that this blissful flight meme fails to mention.
The Plastic Bag Will Stop This Weapon
Please observe airport security at its finest…and perhaps the silliest airport security meme out there.That nasal spray was a danger to everyone in the airport until the plastic bag compromised it. Don't worry, everyone, the situation is under control, and this nasal spray cannot harm anyone now.

This rule is so that TSA agents don't have to go rummaging through your bag. The plastic bag keeps things more organized and easily accessible.
Pranksters Taking Things Too Far
Finding an available outlet at an airport is a difficult task. Whoever pulled this prank wanted to ruin someone's day, and they probably succeeded. Well, at least they got a funny airport meme out of it.
This person probably got so excited that they found a place to charge their dying phone before getting on the plane. Can you imagine the disappointment on their face when they realized it was fake?
The Lines Would Move Much Faster
It is like some people don't know what to do when they get to security. It is understandable if it is your first time flying, but you should still know what to do because there are people yelling out instructions.
Why must some people wait till the last second to realize they have four bottles of water, two laptops, and a belt to remove right before they go through the scanner. This man has a pretty good idea to help move along the airport security lines and benefit frequent fliers.
Airplane Logic
This is perhaps the most spot-on and hilarious airport meme that you will see. It is both related and so accurate. Airlines like to make you move things out of your heavy bag and into your carry-on, only to tell you that you have to check your carry-on when you get to the gate.

Both bags end up under the plane anyway, so what was the point of asking you to move things around in the first place. They enjoy wasting your time.
Sorry Susan, That Assumption Was Wrong
Older people are probably very unimpressed with airlines today. If the decline looks anything like what is portrayed in this flight meme, they would have good reason to be disappointed. When they were growing up, they probably dreamed about the luxury service they could get when flying.

Sadly, instead of getting white-glove service, you are cramped next to a stranger in an uncomfortable seat for hours.
Go To The Airport Early Just In Case
The rule of thumb for flying internationally is to get to the airport three hours before your flight to give yourself time to go through security and find your gate. You don't need any more time than that. However, some people want that extra time to get through airport security, and they rush around even though they are many hours early.
If you get there any earlier, the check-in gates won't be open yet, and you will be waiting around with nothing to do.
He Will Never Lose His Luggae Again
This man will never have to worry about losing his luggage again because everyone will know who it belongs to. He must have lost his luggage often enough to be driven to purchase this.
Would you ever put a picture of yourself on your luggage? It seems like an extreme measure to take. Even beyond losing the luggage, he runs little to no risk of anyone stealing his luggage. His biggest risk is being turned into a funny airport meme.
"Oh No, We Have A Screamer"
Maybe you haven't said it out loud, but we all know how annoying it is to be sitting on a plane and see someone walk on with a baby or a toddler. When you see them, you put on your headphones and blast the music, so you don't have to hear the inevitable crying.
The baby usually cried the whole flight and then when it comes time to land, they are completely silent. It's like they do it on purpose to piss everyone off on the plane. If you want to see the perfect scared passenger meme, this is it. This is the real fear most people hold as they are seated on a plane. They are just begging the universe to put the crying baby next to someone else.
Why on earth would someone drink shampoo instead of throwing it away? The airport worker would probably be shocked and back up because the shampoo will be coming back up at any moment.
It would be a funny prank to pull if you put a drink in a shampoo bottle. You might get picked for an extra security check for being suspicious. This chipmunk airport security meme perfectly shows the expression on the faces of the staff when someone pulls a stunt like this.
"Ooo Snacks"
Sometimes you get lucky and wake up right before the cart passes, and other times you wake up, and it is four rows in front of you.

Sometimes you are lucky, and other times you are not. Luckily you can always ask for more snacks.
It's Gourmet
Over the years, airports have significantly increased their food prices. They charge double the amount you would pay anywhere else for regular food items.
You get your water taken away at security, so you are forced to buy one in the terminal, which is overpriced.
When You Accidentally Make A Gun Appear
You never owned a gun, you never held a gun, you have never even seen a gun in person, but for some reason airport security makes you think that you have one in your bag.
You start sweating nervously when you have nothing to hide, which only makes you look more suspicious.
Airplane Food Expectation Vs. Reality
When you get on the plane and expect there to be good food, but realize you only get a mini bag of pretzels and a cup of soda.
It would be nice to have a 5-star meal when you fly, but you have to settle for whatever is the best option.
"Please Switch Your Cellular Devices To Airplane Mode"
No one has a good explanation as to why your phone has to be in airplane mode when you fly, but there is always a fear of what will happen if you don't turn it on.

Will the plane crash if you are not in airplane mode? We don't know, but let's not find out. The bulging eyes in this meme show the exact thoughts of a scared passenger when they realize their choice to not put their device on airplane mode may have actually caused damage.
TSA Logic
People have gotten away with many things going through airport security except for water. Is water the most dangerous thing to bring on the plane?

What is the worst thing you can do with it, drink it? It seems like it is just a scheme to get you to pay more for the water they sell in the airport terminals.
The Rules Are Just To Annoy You
One of the biggest frustrations among air fliers is their luggage. This flight meme couldn’t have explained better the reasoning behind the frustration surrounding overweight luggage. Airlines charge so much for overweight baggage fees. It is actually cheaper to bring more bags instead of paying for overweight costs.

Also, how is paying more going to change the fact that your bag is overweight? It won't magically make the bag lighter when it is put on the plane.
Traveler Level: Professional
This man must be an expert traveler to get away with this trick. Why pay for overweight fees when you can simply trick the scales?
If everyone did this, it would be a problem because then the plane would not have enough fuel. This guy just got lucky to get away with this.
The Middle Is The Worst Possible Seat
The middle seat is the worst. You have to fight over the armrests, and you have nothing to lean your head on. The person also traps you in the aisle, and you have to move for the person by the window.
If there is anyway to change your seat you should do so because it is not worth the struggle of having the middle seat.
Cue Glamorous By Fergie
"We're flying first class, up in the sky. Popping champagne, living the life." When you can afford first or business class, you know you have made it in life. You also feel the envious energy as people walk by to get to economy class.
On the other hand, why should people in economy have to walk through first class? It is like torture seeing the extra legroom and fully reclining seats.
Why Do People Want To Be Social On The Plane
Have you ever sat next to someone on the plane who wants to talk the entire flight? Sorry, Steve, I was not planning on learning your life story during this 12-hour flight.
Even when you put on headphones, the person doesn't seem to take the hint that you just want to sleep.
Airports Are A Rip-Off
As we mentioned previously, airports will rip you off any way they can. They take your water away at security so that you have to buy that overpriced bottle of water in one of the terminals.
It is one big scheme to take all your money. And even though everything is overpriced, you still buy it because you are thirsty and wouldn't dare drink from the germ-infested water fountains.
When You Live For Airport Drama
When you are bored while waiting for your flight, and someone dares to start arguing with an airport employee, you better grab the popcorn. Some people can be so rude because they don't realize that the gate agents are just doing their jobs.
They aren't trying to make your life more difficult, and they didn't purposely cause a delay. Stuff happens and the gate agents end up taking the fall for everything.
The Only Thing You Would Enjoy Sitting Next To
Unless you are traveling with someone you know, you probably aren't going to like the stranger you are sitting next to you; unless it is this dog.
It would be so lovely to sit next to this adorable dog because you could cuddle up with it for the entire flight, unlike a stranger.
"Please Put All Carry-On Items Through The Scanner"
Ma'am, we don't think that's what they meant when they said put everything through the scanner. We are pretty sure you can hold your baby when you walk through security.
Were the TSA agents suspicious of the baby, so they wanted to scan it? That doesn't seem very safe.
"Yay! The Pilot Did His Job!"
We all know those people that clap when the plane lands. What is the point of clapping? Are they congratulating the pilot for doing what he was trained to do?
Would they clap for the person who successfully made your pizza or got their order right at a restaurant? No, probably not, so they don't need to clap when the plane lands. Most people would agree with the sentiment expressed in this funny airport meme, except of course the airplane clappers.
"You Have Got To Be Kidding Me."
Have you ever been on a flight and suddenly the person in front of you reclines their chair so far back that they are in your lap? It is the most annoying thing, but there is not much you can do about it.
Then you are stuck not being able to use your tray table, and you have no room to move. Even if you say something to them, they will probably only move their seat up a tiny amount, which still doesn't help.
When You Would Rather Pay More Than Travel With A Different Airline
Do you have a favorite airline? Are you loyal to them no matter how much more expensive they are than other companies? Even if you see cheaper fairs, you would rather fly with an airline that you are familiar with.
You might even look for cheaper fares, but in the back of your mind, you know you are going to choose the airline that you favor.
Just about everyone has experienced the trials and tribulations associated with air travel, but maybe they have not had the chance to laugh about the difficulties involved. These flight memes and funny airport memes are the perfect way to laugh off the troubles and ease the frustrations and fears a bit.
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