The Duck With the Afro
Ok so ducks are adorable. It’s a well known fact. They are fluffy and yellow and white and they have silly looking beaks and feet. But this duck has turned into a meme due to his extremely unique and adorable head of hair. Meet Mr. Fluff, or according to this duck meme, Dawn King. He is both cute and unique. You won’t have any trouble finding this duck in a crowd.
In case you wanted to know what caused this cute little floof on the top of his head, the origin is not fully understood or known. Meanwhile you must just enjoy the cuteness of the duck with earmuffs.
If Happiness Had a Face…It Would Be This Duck
Have you ever stopped to consider what happiness really looks like? Well, you may just have the opportunity to see it by looking at this funny duck meme. Someone is offering some snacks to this extremely enthusiastic duck, and he is not able to hide his excitement. It’s written all over his face. Either he doesn’t know that it is just a few little crumbs ready to fall down at him or someone brought him his favorite snack.
The world is waiting for the follow up funny duck picture that shows his reaction after he eats the snacks. Is he disappointed or was it exactly what he was looking for?
The Perfect Duck Date
Have you ever seen a duck on a date? The answer to that is most likely no..unless you have seen this cute duck meme before. This duck is quite the player and knows just how to get the ladies. All he has to do is invite them out and take them to this dumpster full of bread. A date on top of piles of bread to nibble on…what more could a duck ask for?

Depending on the restaurant where the bread came from, this actually could be a pretty impressive date spot for a duck. What if this is all the leftover bread from an expensive French bakery? It's like a luxurious experience.
The Duck Model - Posing for a Painting
It’ll be difficult to hold in a giggle when you see this seductive and funny duck picture. Someone’s imagination went wild when they captured this cute duck posing in a very interesting manner. It’s almost impossible to unsee the image of a duck posing for her fellow duck friends in a painting session at some French art gallery. Of course it’s not just a boring picture of a duck resting on a rock.
This is probably the first time you have seen a picture of a duck modeling before, but you most likely won’t be able to get it out of your head for a while. It’s both disturbing and comical at the same time.
Duck or Flamingo? The Duck With the Identity Crisis
This is perhaps the funniest duck meme of all. Have you ever seen a duck try to pretend that he is a flamingo? Don’t judge him too harshly, everyone wants to feel like they fit in! This duck is so close to fitting the bill and he thinks that all he has to do to look like a flamingo is lift up one leg…and voila! At first glance you might even be fooled by this duck, as he really does look like one of the flamingo gang, but the light color of his feathers gave him away.
This duck’s friend made no attempt to fit into the flamingo gang and happily plopped on the floor next to his buddy, embracing his duck-ness.
The Duck That Surfed the Waves
There is Donald Duck and Daffy Duck and cute ducks and goofy ducks…but then there are cool ducks. Cute ducks cuddle, goofy ducks do funny things, and cool ducks surf the waves. Take a moment to appreciate the duck’s posture as he casually glides on the water. It doesn’t even look like he is trying. Whether this is just a funny duck drawing or a true picture of a real-life duck, it deserves to be appreciated.
But always remember, as the funny duck meme says, you will never be as cool as this duck, no matter how hard you try. He can swim, he can fly, and yet he has chosen to surf on the water.
The Only Acceptable Duck Face in a Picture
With the rise of the selfie, came the rise of the duck face. The duck face is a strange pursed-lip look that women often would do just as they were taking a selfie. It was meant to make them look more alluring or beautiful, and maybe it had that effect in the beginning, but things started to quickly change. Countless duck face memes started to emerge of how ridiculous these people looked in the forced photos. Despite the ridicule, duck face pictures are still very commonly found.
Everyone can agree that this adorable and fluffy little duck’s face is the only one that is approved to appear in a selfie.
The Plastic Duck Surgery
This is perhaps the most famous funny duck meme in existence and it’s hard to deny that it is a classic. Humans are always judging others who choose to get plastic surgery, so with this duck meme, you see it’s the same with ducks! This fluffy yellow duckling is looking at the rubber duckie in disgust, he can’t believe that the rubber duck chose to get plastic surgery.
The combination of duck faces in this funny duck meme is perfect. Just look at the disgust in the real duck’s face compared to the pure bliss that the rubber duckie is expressing.
The Greatest Duck Scam of All
Maybe you were bamboozled like the rest of the world into thinking that all ducks are sweet, harmless, and good-hearted creatures. Well, you might think differently after you see this funny duck picture. The mother duck has an entire theft scheme set up. You distract the good hearted human with the cute ducklings and then go in for the kill. After all, who would suspect that a duck was the one who stole your money? She is a very unlikely thief.
As the meme says, this woman took the bait. It’s understandable though, who can resist a group of cute little ducklings walking down the street alone?
The Invasion of the Ducks
There are lots of different versions of a nightmare, and this duck meme could be the perfect description of one. Although ducks are often friendly and nice, it is not always the case and there is no way to know that this mass of ducks is not ready to attack.
Luckily ducks aren’t the fastest creatures and maybe, if you are lucky, you can outrun them if you were to ever be in a situation like this.
The Duck Ate My Homework
Everyone is familiar with the typical excuse of “the dog ate my homework”, but it looks like sometimes the concept is actually legitimate. This person couldn’t finish their math homework because their pet duck fell asleep on the calculator. And who would have the heart to wake him up?
The duck is resting there so peacefully, it would be a crime to disturb him. What’s the better solution? Make a cute duck meme out of the image.
The Ducks Go Marching One by One
Have you ever wished that you were an animal whisperer? This man seems to be the Snow White of the duck world…at least according to this duck meme. He just appeared and the ducks came. Maybe he has some food with him and he is a regular, but if not, this actually could be a pretty scary occurrence.
Imagine minding your own business in the park and then seeing dozens of ducks approaching you.
This Could Quickly Turn From Being a Cute Duck Meme Into a Scary Duck Horror Story. It All Depends…Introducing the Angry Duck
When you think of a duck or duckling, the first words that come to mind are probably cute, fuzzy, and yellow. You probably would never think that there could be an angry duck, but there you would be mistaken. Introducing the Angry Duck. He is famous for his glaring face and angry brows. But somehow despite his anger, this is still a cute and funny duck meme.
It’s hard to look at a duckling and actually think of him as angry, but maybe he was sick of being in such a small space with all the other little ducklings. It does appear to be pretty crowded.
The Funny Duck Meme to Top All Duck Memes
Never underestimate the power of a single duck. Although they may look harmless and cute, they have another side to them entirely. This funny duck picture comes along with perhaps the craziest tale you will ever hear. A duck wearing a bow-tie walked into a pub, drank a pint of beer, fought a dog, and lost the fight.
The story started off cute, with a nice little bbow-tie-cladduck, but then took a turn towards strange with him walking into a pub and drinking beer, before getting weird when he fought a dog and lost. Well, at least they were able to make a funny duck meme out of the story!
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