Dad Relaxes On The Couch With The Cat He Didn’t Want
This person's cute photo of her Dad asleep on the couch with the cat he really didn’t want says it all. Some people are just dog people, while others definitely veer toward our feline friends. This Dad was adamant he didn’t want the latter in his house. Fast forward and look at what happened when he gave in. The cat soon made itself at home and beautifully fitted into Dad’s routine.

This Dad may have once been a reluctant cat owner. However, seeing him and his furry friend asleep together on their backs has to be a sure sign of love.
This Dad Goes The Extra Mile To Babysit A Dog He Really Didn't Care for
Deciding to buy or adopt a dog is a big deal. So it's no wonder that introducing the dog to our parents feels almost as important as when you first take your new boyfriend or girlfriend for Sunday lunch with the parents. So when this dog owner introduced her dog Pip to her parents, we guess she hoped there would be love in the air. But instead, things didn’t go too well when introductions were made.

Dad cynically asked how long Pip the dog was going to live. Fast forward six months, and we can safely assume dad and this cute dog are firm friends after all.
Dad Goes From “Hating Cats” To Lovingly Babysit Her Cat
Most of us remember a time when we did something that made our Dad lose his temper, right? In this case, this person brought home a rescue cat, and her Dad wasn’t shy about telling her exactly how he felt about it. This person was given just 24 hours to remove the cat. Thankfully for all concerned, there was a heart underneath that temper tantrum, and that heart evidently melted.

A few weeks later, she returns to find dad and the cat chilling out together in the sitting room as if they’d never been apart. The cat even has its own armchair. That’s a win-win!
This Daughter’s Cat Is Now Her Dad’s Best Buddy
This person's Dad was adamant he didn’t want a cat. There could be tons of reasons why. People can often have wrong-headed reasons why they don’t want a cat: they scratch, they kill birds, they’re more of a dog person, and so on. Whatever this Dad’s reasons, they were overridden when he changed his mind. Now he and Tatze the cat are inseparable. So much so that they curl up together at night.

They’ve even found a way of talking to each other. This person’s dad clearly doesn’t mind posing for social media pics, either. He’s in love and doesn’t care who knows!
He Really Didn’t Want A Pet, Now Look At Him!
We think it’s a tough call as to who’s in charge here. The owner? Or the cat? Here’s an image of this person’s Dad working away at his desk while showing some love to the family cat. It doesn’t look to us like Dad minds that the cat is lying right across his desk either. Instead, this cat has become part of the office and made itself super comfortable.

We’re incredibly impressed that Dad has his priorities right. He seems so attentive to this super relaxed cat! We just hope that he still manages to get some work done.
When Dad Goes From “No Pets” To Cooking The Dog Dinner
Let’s face it, dogs love food. But, unfortunately, they’re not known for their discerning palate and will eat pretty much anything. So this dog must have thought his luck was in when his Dad cooked up a special treat for him. It’s a far cry from this Dad’s initial reluctance to have a family pet. But, it’s no surprise that this Dad’s heart melted once he and the dog were better acquainted. The dog is adorable!

We are all familiar with the common belief that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but we think this also applies to dogs, too, don’t you?
This Dad Didn’t Want His Daughter To Have A Cat, Now He’s Sleeping With It
All parents offer up advice. Some of it makes sense, some of it's welcomed, but some, on the other hand, definitely isn’t. This person ignored her Dad’s opinion and got the cat anyway. Maybe she knew the cat would be a winner? Now the cat is here, Dad will do anything for it, even referring to it as his “grand kitty.” Not to mention, when his daughter is out of town, he’s a willing cat sitter.

Not only that, he’s so concerned for this cute fur ball’s welfare that he puts it in bed with him at night. Have you ever heard of anything sweeter than that?
When Dad “Hates” Cats So Much He Naps On The Couch With Them
We love it when this happens. Here is another Dad (how come it’s always dads?!) who allegedly “hates” cats. Something must have happened to change this guy’s mind, right? Maybe all he had to do was get to know the cats? Whatever the reasons, he’s certainly had a change of heart. He’s even relaxed enough to take a daytime nap on the couch with not one but two feline friends.

Scientists have proved that there’s a thin line between love and hate. We think this image is an excellent depiction of how quickly one powerful feeling can become its opposite.
This Kitten Really Put A Smile On This Mom’s Face
If you thought it was just Dads getting all the bad press, here’s a Mom who was totally against getting a family pet. Fast forward to this image of her holding this sweet little kitten like a newborn child, allowing it to nestle on her lap. Maybe she quickly realized how much love and comfort cats receive and give in return? This kitten looks totally at home with her, right?

Having opened her heart to the latest addition to the family, we think this Mom is a natural pet owner. This lucky kitty really has landed right on its paws!
This Dad Said No To Pets, And Six Months Later It’s Love!
A big fat yes! We’re talking about this Dad who was adamant he didn’t want any more pets. Animals cost money, so perhaps that was the reason, or he just couldn’t face looking after another small creature. Who knows? But what we do know, however, is that three months later, Dad must have caved. Here he is showing off this super cute black kitten on a video call with his daughter.

We just love it when parents say no to the pet and then promptly fall in love when they meet it. As you can see, this is certainly the case here! Another happy ending all around!
This Dad Went From Preferring A Cat To All Out Dog Devotion
So this Dad wasn’t entirely against getting a pet. No, he just said he would prefer that they get a cat, not a dog. Evidently, he lost that argument because he's seen cuddling the family dog like a newborn infant. Not only that but he’s embraced dog ownership so much that this dog is now his new running mate. Dad and dog regularly head out for 4-mile jogs together.

Now that the Dad and the dog get along so well and even have a shared hobby, we wonder if the other family members might give in and vote for getting a cat too?
When “No” Cat Went To The Cat Joining This Dad For Dinner
Here’s Kimberley telling the world she was right. Initially, her Dad really didn’t want a cat. So much so that Kimberley says he was grumpy about it. But, clearly, all was not lost. Here we see Dad sitting at the dinner table with his arm around the cat. Is it us or is that definitely a look of love passing between Dad and the cat? The bond between these two is undeniably a strong one.

Kimberley’s Dad certainly doesn’t even look grouchy. Or that he cares that the cat is gearing up to jump on his lap in the hope of some affection and dinner-time treats.
This Cat Loves To Inspect What His Owner’s Bought At The Store
Say hello to Mogget, the cat that insists on getting in on the action when his owners unpack their weekly shopping. It’s become part of their kitchen routine that Mogget checks out everything they’ve bought and gives his approval by brushing his cheek against his favorite items. This cat is clearly a foodie, and he’s not shy about dropping giant hints about what he’d like to eat at dinner time.

And his owners don’t mind including him in their household habits. Mogget is smart enough to know that if he shows his approval of their food choices, he gets treats each time they cook.
This Mom’s Kids Knew This Puppy Would Mend Her Broken Heart
It is truly heartbreaking to say goodbye to a loving pet that’s been part of our lives for as long as we remember. So, it’s understandable when owners promise themselves they won’t get another pet again because it’s too painful to experience that level of loss again. This happened to this person, except in this instance, there’s an adorable and happy ending to this sad tale posted by Larry.

His kids knew their Dad didn’t really mean it when he said no more pets. So they introduced him to this adorable puppy Max, and the rest, as they say, is history.
He Went From Not Wanting A Cat To Holding Hands With It In Bed
Yup. That’s what happened here. This lady’s husband doesn’t like cats and insisted he never would. So while it was a definite “no” to a cat, he was outvoted, and this cute black kitty quickly became part of the family. Somewhat unexpectedly, this poster’s husband fell solidly in love with Chairman Mau, the kitty. So much so that his affections for the cat seem to have trumped his wife, whose paw he’s pictured holding here.

There’s nothing quite like saying, “Hey, I prefer the cat to you,” then falling asleep holding the cat’s paw when you could be holding your wife’s hand instead. Couples therapy, anyone?
This Husband Loves This Dog So Much They’re Living The High Life Together!
Leah’s husband definitely didn’t want a dog. Apparently, he made his feelings perfectly clear. But whatever went on in this household, Leah’s husband clearly lost that debate, judging by these photos. So, reader, here the husband is, living on his speedboat, on the beach, and look who’s with him? That’s right. It’s not Leah. Who’s in all these photos of her husband living the dream. Nope. It’s their adorable dog.

It looks like it’s the dog who’s getting all the love and attention. All that resistance from her husband clearly turned to true love as soon as he met this furry friend.
When Dad Said “No” To An Abandoned Kitten Until He Melted Dad’s Heart
This guy totally owns it by admitting to the world that he made the wrong decision when he first met this kitten, abandoned by its mother. Initially, when he refused to give this cute cat a home, his family vetoed him and took the cat in any way. Then, of course, the unavoidable happened. He fell in love with the cat. So much so that he and the cat just love snuggling down together.

The cat has become this Dad’s go-to family member of choice. In fact, the two regularly hang out on the couch together. Allegedly every evening! Just like old friends would - isn't that the cutest?
This Dad May Say He’s Not A Cat Person, But Loves To Share His Couch Time With Them!
This lady’s husband hasn’t just been overruled. He’s been overrun too. There are three cats in this photo, and there may well be others just waiting to leap on top of him as he tries to relax on the couch. Imagine not liking cats when your other half loves them so much she won’t settle with just the one. We just hope that this lady’s husband eventually learns to love their cats.

His face says it all! Unfortunately, you can’t hurry, love. It has to come naturally. So we hope, in time, this husband learns to appreciate all his feline friends and, in the meantime, doesn't mind sharing the sofa!
From A Definite “No” To A Stray Cat, To Cuddles At Bedtime
This lady didn’t pause for thought when she found this stray cat. Her immediate intuition was to rescue it and offer it a roof. Unfortunately for her, her boyfriend’s instinct wasn’t quite the same. He definitely wasn’t so keen. Nonetheless, she took this gray beauty in and gave it a much-needed home. Fast forward to now, and surprise, surprise, her boyfriend loves the cat. So here he is, happily cuddling the kitty.

He’s even happy to pose for photos of himself bonding with the cat. Here it looks like the cat is happily giving his new owners a high-five paw of approval. Adorable!
“Keep Dogs Off The Couch” Says Dad…
Dog and cat owners tend to fall into two camps. Those who do and those who don’t. We’re talking about whether or not they allow their beloved pet to lounge and sleep on the furniture. This Dad was clear. It was a big no from him. Apparently, it was a colossal ground rule. However, two days later, it’s clear who’s in charge of this house. Clue: it’s not the Dad.

The dog made its sleeping preferences clear, and Dad did a big u-turn on his decision. We just hope there’s another couch in the house for this person's Dad to sit on!
He Didn’t Want To Rescue This Cute Pair But Takes Them On Days Out
When this guy said no to adopting this pair of Yorkies, he didn’t really ever stand a chance of winning, did he? However, his wife Tracy had other ideas. Either she put her foot down, or she managed to somehow persuade her beloved that rescuing these twins was a must. Fast forward to the image of this happy scene, where Tracy’s husband is proudly posing with the pair as if they've been best friends forever.

The Yorkies have clearly won a place in Tracy’s husband’s heart. So much so that here he appears to be driving them around on a day out. We’re impressed with Tracy’s persuasive powers!
Dad Really Didn’t Want A Dog. The Result? “Nine Years Of Bliss”
This happy-looking dog belongs to a couple who adopted her when she was two years old. As a former service dog, she must have worked hard, and her reward was to be adopted by this couple. What started out as a less than enthusiastic response from this person’s husband has turned into a 9-year long, full-blown love affair. This dog has done a great job of stealing this guy’s heart.

The pair enjoy four walks a day together, he talks to the dog, and she’s enriched his life so much that he even babies her. Isn’t that the cutest thing?
When “No” To A Cat From Mom Went To Coworking With The Cat
There's nothing like a firm no to your kids when setting boundaries in the home. They are important. They reduce anxiety and uncertainty while providing a safe and secure home. However, those boundaries tend to shift a little where pets are concerned. That’s what happened here when this Mom gave a firm no to cat ownership. The family introduced this gorgeous cat into their lives, and Mom hasn’t looked back since.

Mom clearly appreciates that cats are clever. So here’s kitty helping her proofread her work. And why not? This Mom and cat clearly have a special bond, don’t you think?
This Husband Said “Never” To A Cat In The House And It’s Cuddle Time
This lady’s husband was as clear as day. He was never going to allow a cat in his house. But when the inevitable actually happened, clearly something shifted. Just look at the two of them together! Instead of protesting and making a big deal out of his wife allowing the cat indoors, here we have a man plainly in love. He even doesn’t mind having his photo taken to prove it.

There’s little any of us can do when Cupid’s arrow strikes, and this guy is clearly in thrall to this cute kitten, with all thoughts of keeping it outdoors firmly out of the window.
Dad Said Dogs Belong Outdoors, Until He Met Riley
Here is a Dad whose one rule about his daughter’s dog when the pair came to live with them was that the dog had to stay outside. But, experience has taught us that Dads can say all they like, but the minute they clap their eyes on the animal in question, they always fall in love. So Dad met Riley, and, needless to say, Riley soon had a place in the house.

We’re a little worried that Dad thinks Riley is a pony. That said, we really hope he’s recovered well from his stage 4 cancer, and that he and Riley have been happily reunited.
When Dad Thinks No One’s Watching He’s Happy To Show This Puppy Some Love
We have seen so many stories of Dads who refuse to get a dog and then experience a rapid change of heart. There are tons of photos that irrefutably prove this is indeed a phenomenon. Here’s one such image that offers evidence of this regular occurrence. It’s another Sad who insisted he didn’t want a dog. But unfortunately, his family thought otherwise, overruled him, and got the cute little dog anyway.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. So fast forward to now, and here's some photographic proof that Dad’s heart has truly been won by this cute puppy.
Dad Went From No To Ginger The Beagle” To Setting Him Up With His Own Twitter Handle
We love it when animals have their own social media accounts, be it Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter; they attract tons of followers and can be a lot of fun. Here’s Ginger, the Beagle who took to Twitter to tell the world about how he was adopted by this family. Ginger is smart. He sussed that Dad was potentially a stumbling block to his adoption and knew he had to act quickly.

Ginger knew if he jumped on Dad’s lap while making eyes at him, he stood a chance of melting Dad’s heart. So that’s what Ginger did. Now they enjoy selfies together, a Twitter account, and an all-around bright future!
Dad Really Didn’t Want This Dog, And Now He’s Uploading Images Of Him On Social Media
How could you not love this adorable-looking dog with its mournful eyes? Seriously. But when a family member brought him home, this Dad’s response was NO WAY. Not only that, but at first, this beauty didn’t even have a name to call his own. Fast forward to today, and he’s now called Mustang, and everyone, including Dad, adores him. Dad has even gone so far as to post pictures of his new love on his Twitter account.

That must mean it’s true love, right? Once you post your dog’s image on your social accounts, it’s undoubtedly a declaration of lasting love? We think Mustang is here to stay.
Against All Odds Your Dog And Your Dad Become BFF
It’s happened to us all. We fall in love, it’s reciprocated, and then the object of our affections makes it plain they, in fact, prefer someone else. It’s painful. It can even be heartbreaking. Or you can just accept what’s happened and embrace it. For example, here’s someone whose dog can’t bear to be apart from her Dad. So much so that he waits all day for her Dad to return from work.

So while the fact that your dog loves your Dad more than you may hurt a little, we think it’s a bonus. At least this dog parent knows this dog is welcome in her family home!
He Said No To The Dog, And Now Can’t Sleep Without Him
Kari and her boyfriend had three dogs. Then Kari wanted to bring home a fourth. Naturally, her boyfriend protested, and some of us may agree that four dogs might be a tad overwhelming, right? Nonetheless, Kari ignored his wishes and introduced Scott to the family. What she wasn’t prepared for, however, was that instead of her boyfriend being annoyed, he all-out fell in love with Scott. How could he not? Scott is adorable!

Fast forward to now, and Kari’s boyfriend has introduced Scott to their bed, and Kari’s place has been usurped. We hope there’s still room for her to get a good night’s sleep!
Dad May Have Been On The Fence, But 15 Years Later, It’s BFF Love All The Way
When Susanna’s family wanted a dog, the only problem they faced was the Dad (there’s a surprise!). He reluctantly agreed to have a dog while still expressing doubts. However, those doubts disappeared fast enough when the dog joined the family. Fast forward 15 years, and we’re happy to report that Dad and dog are firm BFFs. Here’s Dad, showing the family pet some love and affection, and we think you’ll agree it’s from the heart.

Just look at the two of them together. This is such a sweet picture. We love that it looks like the dog is trying to reciprocate Dad's affection! Aww.
Enjoying Time Together But Said He Didn’t Want A Dog “Yet”
This Dad thought it was too soon for his family to get a dog. So, naturally, they ignored him and got a dog. But clearly, this gamble paid off! Here is photographic proof that the reluctant Dad has somewhat back-peddled. Just look at his face! Clearly, there is no denying he’s fallen big time for this adorable dog. This cute pup even has his own little blue sweater to keep him warm.

Hopefully, this guy’s family held off from telling him we told you so and instead rejoiced in the quiet knowledge that they were right all along and that their decision won out!
Dad May Have Said “No More Dogs” But He Found Room For Just One More
Here’s a Dad showing this adorable Labrador puppy some love and appreciation, and who can blame him? An American Kennel Club study showed that Labradors were the most popular breed, holding the number one slot since 2014. They’re known for being loyal, calm, good-natured, and intelligent. Perhaps all those character traits are why this Dad looks so in love with this pup? But, of course, before this dog came on the scene, this Dad told his family a firm no to any more dogs.

We’ll never know how this Dad’s kids persuaded him to change his mind about another dog, but this photo shows this puppy has torn down the wall around this Dad’s heart.
Mom Loves Cuddling The Cats She Says She "Hates"
This person's Mom looks so happy in this photo holding these two good-looking cats. Yet apparently, she hates them, or at least she did at some point. But pictures don’t lie. This lady looks delighted to be hugging this feline pair. Maybe there was a time when she was less than thrilled by these kitties. But sometimes, rather than debating the pros and cons of having a pet, you’ve just got to go with it.

It’s clear these kitties eventually won places in this Mom’s heart, right? She went from glaring at them to glowing with happiness and holding them, literally and metaphorically, close to her heart.
Dad Didn’t Want A Dog And Now He Loves The Dog Nibbling His Ear
We just love it when a one-time reluctant dog owner admits the error of their ways and posts it up on Twitter for all to see. So here’s a dog owner whose pet pooch is nibbling his ear as a sign of affection. Or, perhaps he's just hungry? While having your ear kissed by a dog isn’t to everyone’s tastes, Brad here looks happy enough and has taken a selfie to prove it.

The strong bond between dog and owner can be impossible or hard to break. So congratulations to this cute dog for firmly earning himself a place in Brad’s heart. Cute!
From “No” To A Cat To Sharing His Weekly Shop With The Cat
Lucas, this beautiful gray cat, just loves finding out what its owners have bought in the grocery store. In this case, the reluctant cat owner, AKA Dad, has fully embraced this cat’s hobby. Here we clearly see that Dad is just as invested in sharing the weekly shop with Lucas as Lucas is in finding out what’s hopefully in store for him treat-wise. Are you wondering who’s in charge here?

We reckon it’s definitely Lucas that rules this roost. So maybe Dad will go one step further and start reading Lucas's shopping list before he goes out to make sure he approves?
The Boyfriend Who Had A Major Change Of Heart About Cats
All relationships have deal-breakers. Most commonly, they tend to be around infidelity, different spending habits, abuse, and wanting or not wanting kids. In this case, however, this boyfriend’s deal-breaker with his girlfriend was that he didn’t want a cat. Not ever. What happened instead is a familiar tale of two parts. First, they get a kitten, and then they found room for a second cat called Brady. Then poor Brady got sick.

But hey! This dog mommy’s boyfriend even shelled out for the big vet’s bill to show how much he loves Brady. It just goes to show there’s always room for compromise!
This Dad Really Didn’t Want Cats, And Now He Gives Them The Royal Treatment
Typically, members of royalty are more prone to having dogs as pets, although France’s Louis XV reportedly adored cats. So here we have a cat owner who thinks it’s entirely normal to give his family cats the complete royal treatment. From walking them on leads and even using an umbrella to shield them from the weather, it never surprises us the lengths some pet owners will go to show their devotion.

So hats off to this Dad for giving his cats the royal treatment he feels they deserve. All this from a Dad who gave a flat-out no to this cat. We’re impressed!
From “We Want To Travel More” To Getting Another Dog
Pets mean responsibility. They also mean time and cost. For this person's parents, they were a stumbling block to doing more traveling. Whether they want to travel because they’re thinking about scaling back on their work commitments. Or retiring? Or they may simply want to spend their vacation time doing something more interesting than mowing the lawn? Either way, when these parents said no to another dog, persuading them otherwise was tough.

It must have felt like an impossible mountain to climb. But somehow, the kids did it, as evidenced by the dogs' full use of this home’s facilities. Any dog sitters out there?
Dad May Have Been Pissed About The Dog, But Now It’s Couch Cuddles All The Way
Imagine getting up, having breakfast, and going to work for the day, only to return and find a dog has moved into your house. We can see how that might upset someone. After all, not everyone likes surprises. Especially ones that bark, poop, and wee. This Dad was apparently pretty upset when he came home and found that Epona, the puppy, had moved in. Happily, he wasn’t upset for too long.

Now Epona the puppy and Dad are the best buddies, as proved by these images of them snuggling up together at home. Here’s to them having many happy years together!